英语翻译 代理外汇平台协议


提取外汇现钞手续 (1)提取外币现钞或兑换人民币等值1万美元以下的,可到银行直接办理。(2)一次性提取外币现钞或兑换人民币等值1万美元(含1万美元)以上,5万美元以下的,客户须持以下相关材料到银行办理:专利、版权收入:真实身份证明、专利或版权证书、转让或者使用协议及境外完税证明。稿费收入:真实身份证明、已发表作品、境外完税证明。咨询费收入:真实身份证明、咨询协议及境外完税证明。保险金收入:真实身份证明、保单、索赔书、理赔证明。利润、红利收入:真实身份证明、投资协议或者股权证明、利润分配协议或者红利支付书、境外完税证明。利息收入:真实身份证明、债券或者债券登记证或者存款利息单、境外完税证明。年金、退休金:真实身份证明、公正书、境外完税证明。雇员报酬:真实身份证明、雇佣协议、境外完税证明。遗产继承外汇:真实身份证明、公正书、境外完税证明。赡家款:真实身份证明、亲属关系证明。捐赠外汇:真实身份证明、捐赠协议。其他以上未列明的项目。(3)一次性提取现钞或兑换人民币5万美元(含5万美元)以上的客户到当地外汇局办理核准件。

英语翻译 Payment management approachTo standardize the management of the company payments,special formulation of these measures.One,the norms of payment methods including payment of the purchase price(including taxes,the same below),sales refund,and pay the cost,not including the\"claims management approach\"provides reimbursement payments and fixed assets,the purchase of Low-Value Consumable Articles approval.2,approving payment of the purchase priceOne,the purchase price paid by the department for approval under the purchase contract(agreement)loss\"payment for single\"(one-third),and will complete the project added.2,import,domestic trade business approval:A department by the applicants and responsible departments signed by the Finance Action audit and finance manager after signing any single payment in the following two million yuan by the departments in charge of leading applications for approval;Single payment in the amount of than 2 million yuan(200 million)approval by the company。

英语翻译 xx will not be troubled by setting up the complicated system for import,storage,foreign exchanges,(分拆是什么意思?packing,transportation,distribution and warehousing.xx can partner Yisi company who can do the above mentioned items.Thus xx does not need to reinvest too much money in storage.This will make xx relieve from the capital pressure.As our company has a mature warehous management system,xx does not need to redevelop the purchase,sales and inventory system.This can shorten the time to sell their product massively in China.Tax formalities.Foreign exchange formalities,Inspection and quarantine of the goods,The dynamic statement of product inventory.The analysis on product turnover rate.To sell the product by using the current sales system.Marketing through exhibition,Selling product via distributor.The establishment of new sales channels.供参考.


