资源量 英文



英语翻译 China is one of the country suffering from most serious soil erosion and water loss in the world and the soil erosion is widely distributed and in large areas.Mountain area serious soil erosion not only leading to land resources degradation and soil deterioration,but make the foundation of agricultural production and development truely weak as well.Another,aggravating the occurrence of flood and drought and leading to poverty and the environment even worse,and this is the most major limiting factor of sustainable development,rapidity and health of agriculture of mountain area in China.Therefore,improving conservation of soil and water,protecting and optimizing the environment and ensure the reasonable development and sustaining the soil and water conservation and this is very important for China.This text analyzes the risks of soil erosion and the effect of soil and water conservation for retainability and development of agriculture,which fully describes the soil and water conservation。

中国水资源量排行到底是多少 第四还是第六 不要乱粘贴 请给出来源 是中国大百科全书 或者 中国水资源量排行到底是多少 第四还是第六 不要乱粘贴 请给出来源 是中国大全书 或者#questionContent pre{word-break:break-all;white-space:normal;。

#资源量和储量#资源量化什么意思#资源量与储量的区别#资源量 英文

