供应链热点话题 手工艺品环境分析(前景.宏观.微观)


英语翻译 Radio Frequency Identification as\"the wireless radio frequency identify\",brief name RFID).Wireless radio frequency 's identifying a technique is 1 kind that the 90's in 20 centuries starts rise to automatically identify a technique and RFID technique's making use of a wireless radio frequency method's being read an of machine and radio frequency card to carry on doesn't get in touch with a double to deliver to identify by attaining a target the purpose which exchanges with data toward the data.Compared with traditional type code,Ci card and IC card,radio frequency card's have doesn't get in touch with,read speed quick,have never worn away,been free from environment influence,life span long,the characteristics of easy to usage with have to defend conflict function,can handle several cards in the meantime.The RFID technique is to develop a quickest high-tech technique for 21 centuries,along with with combine of traditional network,the RFID technique emerges a huge market an 。

英语翻译 In the 21 st century after our country medicine industry received vigorous development,but with the corresponding medicine logistics is relatively backward;The development of logistics management to.

手工艺品环境分析(前景.宏观.微观) 内容很多,先简略列一下.中国手工艺品市场前景调查分析报告 2012版(资深版)研究背景研究方法手工艺品的界定及分类第一章 手工艺品行业特征分析一、产品概述二、产业链分析三、中国手工艺品行业在国民经济中的地位四、手工艺品行业生命周期分析1.行业生命周期理论基础2.手工艺品行业生命周期第二章 手工艺品行业发展环境分析一、宏观经济环境分析二、国际贸易环境分析三、宏观政策环境分析四、中国手工艺品行业政策环境五、行业运行环境对中国手工艺品行业的影响分析第三章 手工艺品行业市场分析一、2007-2011年中国手工艺品市场规模及增速二、影响手工艺品市场规模的因素三、2012-2016年中国手工艺品市场规模及增速预测四、手工艺品市场发展潜力分析五、市场需求现状及发展趋势第四章 区域市场分析一、区域市场分布总体情况二、重点省市市场分析三、重点省市进口分析第五章 手工艺品细分产品市场分析一、细分产品产品特色二、细分产品市场规模及增速三、2012-2016年细分产品市场规模及增速预测四、重点细分产品市场前景预测第六章 手工艺品行业生产分析一、2007-2011年手工艺品行业生产规模及增速二、2012-2016年手工艺品行业产量产能。


