在运动会上写一句简短的英文给运动员加油怎么? 学生们正在为运动员们加油的英语


在运动会上写一句简短的英文给运动员加油怎么? travel,life does not return this stadium.wild.not back to life in this stadium.touched,your spirit of sport.courage.

求两篇关于校园运动会的英语作文 believe you 4 this week is a fine day,we A secondary school in this day held the 9th Games.One by one the students are very excited,full of energy.I believe it yourself,you are the best,I believe you.

英语翻译 男孩子们都喜欢放学后运动boys like after-school activities.Julie 和她的朋友正在开聚会Julie is having party with her friends.学生们正在听老师上英语课,他们真的都很放松the students are listening to the teacher.they are really relaxed.我打电话来祝福你生日快乐I call you to wish you a happy birthday谢谢你帮我们照相thank you for taking photos for us.孩子们正在公园里玩得开心the children are injoying themselves in the park.

