英语作文家乡特色美食以及制作方法(带翻译) 青岛的特色菜的英文怎么说


青岛有什么著名小吃? 1、海菜凉粉青岛凉2113粉是一道5261菜品,又称海菜凉粉制作原料主要4102有凉粉、蒜泥、1653香菜末等。是山东省青岛地区特色传统小吃。为青岛独有的以海菜、石花菜、鹿角菜所制凉粉,透明晶莹,加上蒜泥、香菜末、香油、醋、盐、味精等,系解暑佐酒佳肴。2、三鲜锅贴三鲜锅贴,传统名点,属于煎烙的馅类小食品,制作精巧,味道精美,多以猪肉馅为常品,根据季节配以不同鲜蔬菜,一般是饺子形状。三鲜锅贴,顾名思义,馅料除了猪肉,还添加了韭菜、海米、扇贝柱。3、酱猪蹄酱猪蹄是一道传统名菜,在各大菜系中大都有此菜。咸香,酥软,色艳。属于常见的家常菜,主料是猪蹄,以酱油、盐、花椒等配料炖制而成。是青岛市民钟爱的传统食品,历史上每到腊月过年,几乎家家户户“酱猪蹄”。其中以“流亭猪蹄”较为有名,在岛城家喻户晓。4、海鲜卤面海鲜卤面是青岛的特色小吃,入口柔韧爽滑、海鲜味突出,色泽艳丽,可谓色香味俱全之面食极品。海鲜卤面将海鲜入面,首先用海鲜制卤,再与手擀面共煮,无论是选材还是烹饪方式上都与其他面类不同,更主要的是它具有迥异于其他面类的独特口味并且具有更全面的营养成分,海鲜卤面可谓青岛人对面食改进的成功案例。5、鸡汤馄饨。

用英文介绍青岛.简单一点就可以了. Qingdao is an excellent tourist city.It is also an important transportation hub and a seaport in east China entitled to the visa processing for overseas tourists and visa exempting for short-term(within 15 days)Japanese tourists.Qingdao has beautiful scenery and an agreeable climate.As early as in the 1920s,Qingdao became a famous tourist resort.Zigzag seashore,undulating hills,European-style red-roofed houses and green trees make the city unique.Historical sites and constantly improved modern facilities add to the attractiveness of the city.Qingdao is an excellent place for sightseers,holidaymakers and for holding business talks and exhibitions.In the west of the city is the old urban area which is known for its red-roofed houses,green trees,blue sea and azure sky;in the east is the new urban area dotted with modern high buildings.Both the old and new areas constitute a seaside city with both European and Asian landscapes.Walking along the coastal sidewalk,tourists can enjoy the 。

我吃到了青岛的特色小吃用英语怎么说 翻译如下我吃到了青岛的特色小吃I tasted the special snack in Qingdao


