你们打算在巴黎呆多久?然后呢?你们还有什么计划?我想看你们在巴黎铁塔下的照片,我想看。 how long will you stay in Paris?what's what are you going to do next?I want to see the picture of that you are under the Tower of Paris,I just really want to see。你打算在哪里呆多久?翻译英文 How long do you plan to stay there?你打算在中国呆多久英语翻译 How long have you planned to stay in China?我们想去巴黎 英语怎么说 We want to go to Paris.We'd like to go to Paris都可以 或者你比划去的动作(飞)直接说Paris.你打算在北京待几天的英语 你打算在北京待几天How long will you stay in Beijing?我打算待5天Five days.英语翻译 1.I decide to go on holiday to Paris the next year.2.A:What the life like do you think after ten years?B:I think it would be much better than I now lead.3.It is difficult for.你要在巴黎逗留多久用英语怎么说 How long will you stay in Paris?下周你打算搬家吗?PAUL什么时候去接CLAIN?他将在一个小时后去接她 1、Are you going to Paris next week?Yes,I will go to see you2Are you going to move next week?When does PAUL go to pick up CLAIN?He will pick her up in an hour later.写一篇关于你喜欢巴黎的英语作文,最重要的是要写到巴黎的Eiffel Tower,不少于80字 急 要不指导指导也可以 Thanks a lot。 Paris is the capital of France and is situated on the river Seine.Paris is a great city with a long history.It has lots of beautiful buildings and monuments as well as hundreds of museums and art galleries where some of the most famous artifacts in the world are displayed.It has palaces,cathedrals and churches.Every tourist will definitely go to see the Eiffel Tower;the view from the top is really amazing.The one problem about Paris is that almost everything,including food,is very expensive。I will have to save a lot of money to go there in the future.
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