英语翻译 吃饭了英语翻译


首先,在英美国家\"你吃饭了吗?不是一句问候语.千万不要见人就问\"你吃饭了吗?.如果出于澄清的需要,你不得不问,那么你一定要问明”早中晚”饭.这时你可以用下列方法提问:John:Did you have your breakfast(lunch,dinner)yet?Jane:Yes I did.John:Great.Let's go now to the park now.John:Did you have your breakfast(lunch,dinner)yet?Jane:No.I'm sorry.I got up too late.John:No problem.Let's stop at McDonald first.Then we will go to the park.英语翻译:我先去吃饭了. I am going to have a meal first吃饭了吗英语怎么说 吃饭了吗?翻译e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e58685e5aeb931333337396265:Do you have a meal?双语例句:昨天他请你吃饭了吗?Did he entertain you to dinner yesterday?嘿,你吃饭了吗?想一起去吃吗?Hey,have you eaten yet?Do you want to go together?因为在餐馆一次郁闷的经历,你就再也不出去吃饭了吗?Do you stop eating out because you had a bad experience at a restaurant?短语嗨吃饭了吗 Hey you eaten;hey did you eat;Hi to eat it你们吃饭了吗 You eat;Did eat you晚上吃饭了吗 At night to eat it;At night you eaten;eat at night你吃饭了吗 si buda jeke nio;You eat it;Did you eat;Do you eat大家都吃饭了吗 We all do dinner;We have to eat it;We all have dinner together你早上吃饭了吗 Do you eat the morning;Did you eat your morning你吃饭去了吗 You have to go to eat;Do you go to eat你中午吃饭了吗 Did you noon meal;Do you eat at noon;At noon you eat朋友你吃饭了吗 Did you eat friends;As you eat your friends;Friends do you eat英语翻译 ::\ i will going to have breakfast 早餐i will going to have lunch 午餐i will going to have dinner 午餐i will going to eat rice 吃饭英语翻译 Who are you 你是谁?Houw are you?What are you doing these days?最近做什么呢?Have you had dinner?吃饭了吗?Where are you now?你现在在哪?I miss you so much。我好想你吃饭用英语怎么说? 吃饭英语有以下几种说法2113:1、5261to eat a meal2、feed one's face3、dining4、dine5、put on the feed bag(进餐)eat;have[eat、take]a meal请客吃饭 invite sb to dinner;我想吃饭。i feel like a meal.(指生活或生存4102)keep alive;make a living靠工资吃饭 live on one's wages;不要靠老1653资格吃饭。don't live on your seniority。我看我们就是要靠精耕细作吃饭。in my opinion,we must depend on intensive cultivation to feed ourselves扩展资料:例句他已经习惯在外面吃饭了。He is used to eating out all the time.他邀我跟他在俱乐部吃饭。He asked me to dine with him at the club.大学内的餐厅吃饭用的建筑或大厅,通常在大学或学院A building or hall for dining,typically at a university or college.可否赏光与我一起吃饭?Will you do me the honour of dining with me?我的朋友邀请我出去吃饭。My friend invited me to dine out.[谚]要为活着而吃饭,不要为吃饭而活着。Live not to eat but eat to live.比较一下在家吃饭和在餐厅吃饭的不同.Compare the difference between eating at home and restaurant.公司养不起。吃饭了吗?用英语怎么说? do you have dinner?吃晚饭了吗?早餐、中餐类推

