英语翻译 Whether let 7 we.00 clocks met in the sunshine subway station.We went to Beihai Park to row the boat last Sunday,we took a lot of photos too.I do not know how to go to the Palace Museum,my father asked me to hit to go there.How long does it spend to do shopping you want in Wangfujing?When do you want to go home?It takes three hours from here to Beijing center.It took me four hours yesterday.We are planning the day excursion,do you want to join?He invited me to participate in their British trip two hours ago.If you want to come and please let us know as soon as possible.He hopes I can travel with her.Everybody's cost is 60 yuan,we guarantee you can play happily.英语翻译 1.No matter what happens,we will not give up.2.They will take many photos there.3.We can not afford a car.4.As time goes by,things started to change.5.Last night the children were too happy to sleep.你最喜欢中国的那个地方?等我有时间的时候我会去你喜欢的那个地方旅游,我会拍很多照片给你看. Where do you like best in China?Please tell me.When I have time I will travel to the places you like,and I will take a lot of picutres and show to you.如何在拍照的时候显示地点时间? 如何在拍照的时候显示地点时间,现在越来越多的人都喜欢自拍和旅行拍照了,我也喜欢这样,但是去过的地方太多,或者去过的次数太多了,后来整理照片的时候回忘记自己是什么。英语翻译你最喜欢中国的那个地方?等我有时间的时候我会去你喜欢的那个地方旅游,我会拍很多照片给你看.这一趟旅程没有你,很遗憾,但是我会把自己感受记录成文字和照片和你分享.我想说:“只要心中有你,你就无处不在” 英文翻译:我建议你送他一个相册,因为前段时间他去了伦敦旅行,在哪里,他拍 我建议你送他一个相册,因为前段时间他去了伦敦旅行,在哪里,他拍[了很多照片]I advise you give an album to him.Because he travelled to London some days before and he took many photos there.英语翻译1.我后天就要搬走了,她说帮我拍下这些照片给她留念,虽然我们住在一起的时间很短,但是还是有点不舍的,因为又要回到一个人住的时候了.2.我的要求很简单,我只想要多一点问候,多一点沟通和多一点在乎,你可以做到吗?3.在感情的世界里,我不知道为什么总是充当脆弱的角色.4.我想活得简单点,不要有太多烦恼和悲伤.可是这一点都不简单.5.别装了,你真以为我有那么笨吗?你以为你换个用户名,换个头像我就不 英语翻译 为你解答.拍了相当多的照片:take quite a few photos几本书:a few books特产:local specialty呆在家里:stay at home大部分时间:most of the time准备考试:study for the test给某人买某物(两个):buy sth for sb;buy sb sth写日记:keep a diary参观博物馆:visit the museum去爬山:go to the mountains好久不见了:haven't seen for ages一张照片,一个故事,一段美好的时光。请你用英语写一篇不少于80词的短文和大家一起分享照片背后的故事。 答案:解析:I have a lot of photos.Whenever I look at these pictures I will think of the days that have passed.One of the most important photos was taken nearly 8 years ago when I was only 6 years old.This picture was taken in front of my grandparents’old house.There is a tall tree near the house.The house looks old but clean very small but lovely.In this picture my grandparents are sitting in the middle.My father and mother are standing behind them.I am sitting on my grandma's laps.There is a big smile on our faces.The old house was pulled down a few years ago.Many new buildings and roads have been built up since then.And we have moved into a new apartment.I have grown up but I still remember the old days.I miss the old house the kind neighbors and the kids that I played with in the yard.The picture always reminds me of the happy days in the old house.
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