英语简单概括一下吸血鬼日记 简单英语有关吸血鬼的故事


我要在英语课上演讲,想讲《吸血鬼日记》的人物独白,有没有好的推荐? 有点急。。。 我没有理解你的意思,你可以说明白点吗?吸血鬼日记>;第一二部我看了很多遍了~虽然我第三部我还没有看过~演讲的话,你就可以剖析人物个性及其心理啊~人物对白的话,你还记得每一集片头的时候,Stefan 总会有一个自述性的简介,Elena也总会对着日记本进行一大串的回忆,这个就很能体现他们的自我的内心独白。Stefan总会说:“For over a century,i have lived in secret,hiding in the shadows,alone in the world.Until now,I am a vampire,and this is my story.”其实现在这部片子很多高中生也在看呢,你这么引入的话就很容易给你的同学背景知识,然后再引入你的话题~你就可以扩大你的讲解面了,只讲人物独白不太完美哦~希望能帮到你~针对你的提问,我帮你整理了一些东西~那我就给你推荐第一季第一节,Elena的独白吧,还是有很好的语言点的。选这一集还是有很多好处的哦,要是你的朋友们看见你讲得很好,然后又不是从中间讲的,同学们会去看这部片子的。好吧,我就简单讲讲哦~“Dear diary,today will be different.It has to be.I will smile,and it will be believable.My smile was“I’m fine,thank you.’‘Yes,I feel much better.’I will no longer be。用几句简单的英文说说看《吸血鬼日记》的好处 To know what love is.To know the way of speaking English.,including its tones etc.求《吸血鬼日记》简介,英文版 (要用来做英语口头报告的) For over centuries,I have been lived in sceret,hiding in the shadows,alone in the world.untill now,I know the risk,but I have to know her.The classic line of Stefan leads a way to the mystic world o.有没有吸血鬼日记(任何一季)都经典语录?(带英文中文)I met a girl.We talked,and it was epic.But then the sun came up and 。so well once upon a time Damon:I don't.一篇介绍《吸血鬼日记》的中英语短文【中文和英文】 One of the most popular TV show nowadays is The Vampire Diaries.It has been toping all over the world.The series is very popular mostly for teenagers.As the introduction of Twilight,vampire diaries have been one of the most wanted TV series today.Thus TV series is actually written by L.J Smith,just like the Twilight saga,it is also begun as a novel.This popular TV series about vampire also can be seen in DVD’s very soon.Fans can watch all episodes whenever they want.Vampire’s fast and furious behaviors make them very popular for younger generation.For vampire lover,you will experience exciting adventures together with your favorite vampire character on the series The Vampire Diaries,because you can also watch them in action through you television.If you want to take a little bite of this fresh TV series,then you should start taking done its air time.You can catch this latest TV series at CW network every Thursday.


