平易近人的 英文 平易近人的的英文


\"平易近人\"=amiable and easy to approach 或者 common touch例如:政治家需要有平易近人的美德.A politician needs the common touch.平易近人的英文解释 amiable and easy of approach;be simple and easy to approach;(as)common as an old shoe;easily approachable例句1.The most famous people are sometimes as common as an old shoe.最出名的人有时也是很平易近人的。2.Voters like a candidate who has the common touch.投票者喜欢那些平易近人的候选人。要想变得更加平易近人,最好是参加一些志愿活动。A good way to become moreapproachableis by joining a volunteer organization.具有亲和力,平易近人,善于与人沟通。Has the affinity,amiableeasy of approach,be good at communicating with people.他平易近人的领导遗留下来的和'软接触'的方式解决问题只是追平了他的天才。The legacy of hispersonableleadership and 'soft touch' approach to problem solving was only equalled by his genius.温和的性情对任何领袖来说都是一大资本;二人都平易近人,这对于如此脆弱的联合来说,可谓至关重要。An even temperament is an asset in any leader;in such a fragile alliance,the sharedcongenialitymay be vital.如果你在寻找更多的乐趣,想作为领导者平易近人,那么就和那些快乐的人呆在。平易近人用英语怎么说 平易近人\",可有下面几种译法:asonable and simple of person 2.(person)democratic and easy to approach 3.easy to get along with 4.well-disposed icable平易近人用英语怎么说? easygoing 很易相处outgoing 开朗这些都是意思比较相近的平易近人的 英文 平易近人的:1.maty2.approachable3.mateyeasy-going:a.随和的平易近人:amiable and easy to approachExamples:一个管理人员应该让职员感到平易近人。A manager should be accessible to his staff.我们的班长平易近人。Our monitor is easy to approach.恐怕你听说的不太正确。要是你能亲自见见他,你就知道他不仅平易近人,而且很有能力。I'm afraid that what you were told about him is not quite right.If only you could meet him in person,you'd discover he's very agreeable and capable.他们很平易近人。They are easy of approach.我们的班长平易近人。Our monitor is easy to approach.政治家需要有平易近人的美德。A politician needs the common touch.你将会发现校长十分平易近人。You'll find the headmaster a very approachable person.你将会发现董事十分平易近人。You'll find the director a very approachable person.易于接近的人,平易近人的人a man of easy access他这个人容易接近(他平易近人)。He is easy of access.他平易近人的态度使他受到邻居们的喜爱。His folksy manner has endeared him to his neighbors。.平易近人用英语怎么说? 有些人中英混杂,就会给人一种平易近人、活泼可爱,excited的感觉。而有些人中英混杂,看着就来气,本来好好的一个成语或者几个字能说清楚的,非要弄几个单词进去。在不同语言之间进行转换是需要时间的,语言文字是习惯,大家习惯怎么说,那么和别人交流的时候就怎么说。习惯性用英语表述的,那么完全没问题,生拉硬扯用英文的,都是装逼。平易近人的 英文 平易近人的:1.maty2.approachable3.matey easy-going:a.随和的 平易近人:amiable and easy to approachExamples:一个管理人员应该让职员感到平易近人.A manager should be accessible to his staff.我们的班长平易近.

