应如何上好新概念英语第一册第一课 新概念第一册七十课听力此记


新概念英语第一册mp3怎么用 建议配合课文录音对课文进行背诵 建议配合课文录音对课文进行背诵 反复地听课文录音 听到能够脱口而出 这样的学习效果是最好的。语言就是一门重复与模仿的艺术 不像数学。

新概念第一册第87课课文 新概念英语第一册 Lesson 87 A car crashMr Wood:Is my car ready yet?Attendant:I don’t know,sir.What’s the licence number of your car?Mr Wood:It’s LFZ 312 G.Attendant:When did you bring it to us?Mr Wood:I brought it here three days ago.Attendant:Ah yes,I remember now.Mr Wood:Have your mechanics finished yet?Attendant:No,they’re still working on it.Let’s go into the garage and have a look at it.Attendant:Isn’t that your car?Mr Wood:Well,it was my car.Attendant:Didn’t you have a crash?Mr Wood:That’s right.She drove it into a lamp post(电线杆).Can your mechanics repair it?Attendant:Well,they’re trying to repair it,sir.But to tell you the truth,you need a new car.New Word and expressions 生词和短语attendantn.接待员bring(brought,brought)v.带来,送来garagen.车库,汽车修理厂crashn.碰撞lamp-post灯杆repairv.修理tryv.努力,设法参考译文伍德先生:我的汽车修好了吗?服 务 员:我不知道,先生.您的汽车牌号是多少?伍德先生:是 LFZ312G.服 务 员:您什么时候送来的?伍德先生:3天前。

新概念英语第一册121课课文是什么 Lesson 121The man in a hat戴帽子的男士Listen to the tape then answer thisquestion.Why didn't Caroline recognize the customer straight away?听录音,然后回答问题.为什么卡罗琳没有马上认出那位顾客?CUSTOMER:I bought two expensivedictionaries here halfand hour ago,but I forgotto take them with me.MANAGER:Who served you,sir?CUSTOMER:The lady who is standingbehind the counter.MANAGER:Which books did you buy?CUSTOMER:The books which are onthe counter.MANAGER:Did you serve this gentlemanhalf an hour ago,Caroline?He says he's the man whobought these books.CUSTOMER:I can't remember.The man who I served waswearing a hat.MANAGER:Have you got a hat,sir?CUSTOMER:Yes,I have.MANAGER:Would you put it on,please?CUSTOMER:All right.MANAGER:Is this the man that youserved,Caroline?CUSTOMER:Yes.I recognize him now.New Word and expressions 生词和短语customern.顾客forget(forgot,forgotten)v.忘记managern.经理servev.照应,服务,接待countern.柜台recognizev.认出参考译文顾 客。


