我们去做外国的交换生呢 英语作文 如下:我们去外国做交换生 先认识校园 然后一起参观 并做好记录 还有认识一些外国朋友 外国交换生欢迎词范文


写一篇关于交换生的初三英语作文 I have been three for a year,as you knowthat I am a exchangestudent.Everytihing is strangethanks to my teachers and friends' help,i have leant much.In the past few years I have been in the school club,we have leant from each other,and helped from each other.When I had problems they always helped me.And also I have been to mang places in interest such as The Great Wall,The Summer palace,Tian'an quarter and so on.Also I have tasted the delicious food China is a country with a long history,so I haven't missed learning about Chinese history and cultury.My experiences in china are few.but I believe Iwill have many special stories in china.

英语作文一位美国交换生rose即将来中国学习,请你给她子一封e-mail,在表示欢迎 Hi rose,I'm very glad to talk to you.I know you will come to China to study for a while,so I write this e-mail to wlecome you.China is a friendly country with friendly people.You can take easy when you stay here.That's all.See you later.

我们去做外国的交换生呢 英语作文 如下:我们去外国做交换生 先认识校园 然后一起参观 并做好记录 还有认识一些外国朋友 First,we are going to hold a welcome party for them.Then,we'll show them around our school.Next,we will be together and their class.After school,we will go to our school library.


