阳光明媚,春暖花开,在这美好的假期里,若不去游玩岂不是太可惜了?到汉丰湖玩一圈吧。下面小编带来的是关于汉丰湖作文,希望对你有帮助。关于汉丰湖作文1 踏着暖和的太阳,。
家乡的汉丰湖 作文 我的家乡位于重庆的东北方向,这里山清水秀,鸟语花香,由于三峡水库的修建,我们开县旧城已淹没。在开县新城下游4.5里处已修建了一座水位调节坝,形成三峡水库的前置库,这样就形成一个面积14.88平方公里的湖区,被.
写汉丰湖晚上的作文 现在时:It is Sunday today.Tom gets up at 6 o'clock.After breakfast,he wants to go fishing at East Lake.He sits there all day and he gets lots of fish.It gets dark so he goes back home.His mother frys the fish and they are delicious.They watch Tv together at 9 o'clock.What a happy day。过去时:It was Sunday.Tom got up at 6 o'clock.After breakfast,he went to go fishing at East Lake.He sat there all day and he got lots of fish.It got dark so he went back home.His mother fried the fish and they were delicious.They watched Tv together at 9 o'clock.What a happy day。