我想拥有的工作 想拥有一份关于美丽的工作~


我想拥有一个月入上万的工作,有介绍的吗 做一名合格的程序员,在大城市工资轻松上万的,满意请采纳 如果你长得帅,一月何止一万!要看自己的能力而定 呵呵,这么好的事儿。热爱自己所拥有工作的十大原因,在大多数情况下,这些人每天起床时就会思考这工作。相反,他们每天醒来就是为了迎接挑战,这就是热爱自己工作的10大原因中首当其冲的一点。大学英语3 代作文我想拥有的工作 大学英语3 代作文我想拥有的工作 我想拥有自由,每当我看到伙伴在楼下玩地时候,我不禁羡慕起他们。到了星期天,我把老师布置的家庭作业做。我想拥有的工作,英语80字小作文 When the children get six years old,they need to go to school and finish the compulsive education.It has been admitted that reading books brings people knowledge and broadens their vision.But some people believe that reading books selectively is the right way.Both ways have their advantages.Many years ago,the most prominent problem of the polluted environment is that the river and the water were changed their color,some fish even died for the polluted river.Now the situation becomes ever worse,lately,in the big city我想拥有的工作,英语80字小作文 I want to be a doctor.I think it’1653s great and interesting job.I can help many patient.It’s a hard job but I don’t mind it.I can find some happy in this job.Some people think doctors are work late.I don’t think so.If I feel happy,I can’t feel it’s very late.If I am a doctor now,I like my job.I don’t regret it,I can say:”I found a good job。I don’t think this job makes me tired,I think it makes me solidity and happy.I believe I am sure to succeed.如果你能拥有世界上任何一份工作,你想做什么工作? 最想要的生活是和心爱的人隐居,粗茶淡饭,以书竹为伴。在红尘,最想是生活在幽静的小城,开一间小书院,教几个学生,挣点薄薪糊口,做一个安静的先生。想拥有一份关于美丽的工作~ 从你的学历看,你完全可以去专业美容机构学习美容美体技术。学习这些技术你可以就业,也可以自立门户。工作的环境也很干净漂亮,冬暖夏凉,有时间可以姐妹互相做美容练习,自己同时也享受了美容。但是你必须要注意的是:一定是大的专业美容机构;二是仅限于给女性做的专业美容机构。绝对不能是小的非正规的小店!在各大城市有叫诗丽堂的连锁机构,可以去看看。祝好运!


