英语翻译 1.The next week you planned does not attend class,right?2.We are discussing that soccer game.3.Next week my uncle will want to go fishes.英语翻译 A:Why didn't you have class yesterday evening?B:Because I was on business trip/attended a classmate party/worked overtime/felt tired,that's why I didn't have class.A:In my mind you are seldom absent。B:Thanks for your praise.But I'm not an iron man/super man.A:I see.Mrs Wan asked us to buy New Concept together,it will be 30 percent discount if we buy together.Are you going to buy it with me?A;OK.B:Thanks。Give the money to Mrs Wan by that time.A:All right.See you on next Monday evening。翻译句子,用上提示词 1,Aren't you going to have classes next week?2,We are talking about the football game3,My uncle wants to go fishing next Sunday翻译句子,用上提示词 下周你们不打算上课是吗?(you,are,have,classes,week 1,Aren't you going to have classes next week?2,We are talking about the football game3,My uncle wants to go fishing next Sunday下周你们打算不上课,是吗?翻译为英语 You dont intend to attend classes next week,do you?英语翻译 I'm so sorry that we should cancel the course this Friday again。Chris was planning to visite her dad this Sunday,but it was not allowed.Her superviser noly gave her a leave on Friday.She said she felt so sorry for canceling courses twice time because of herself.But she really had no good idea to balance it.We can have the course next Friday.Hope that you are not angry with us.尽量按你说的翻译了,但在生活中,中英互译时只要能表达完整的意思就行.英语翻译 1 You don't plan to go to class next week,don't you?2 We are discussing that football match。3 My uncle wants to go fishing next Sunday.1 不翼而飞2 旁敲侧击英语翻译 1.you aren't have classes next week,are you?2.we are talking about the football game3.My uncle wants to go fishing next Sunday
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