《预感》王家新“一夜”“第二天”在诗中有什么深刻的内涵? 王家新个人资料:1957年出生于湖北丹江口。1972年入湖北丹江口市肖川中学。1974年高中毕业后下乡到肖川农化厂劳动。1977年考人武汉大学中文系,就读大学期间开始发表诗作。。
英语翻译 I have been wanted so much to describe the tense and anxious rythem of Pasternak as a singing of bird.This rythem,was so similiar to towering waves,floods,volcanos,running bulls.The whole words were fiiled with shock and amaza.At the same time,it hides a deep sense.What kind of bird it is?What heart of this bird it is?flow,get together-suddenly stop.No。it still moves。What kind of bird's songs can be taken as his rythem?Oh。I know。I realized the relationship of meaning and sound.没用工具
我想了解帕斯捷尔纳克? 帕斯捷尔纳克(1890-1960)鲍利斯·列奥尼多维奇·帕斯捷尔纳克,苏联作家、诗人。主要作品有诗集《云雾中的双子座星》、《生活是我的姐妹》等。他因发表长篇小说《日瓦戈。