你父亲是做什么工作的英语作文 英语作文 我父亲的工作多用现在完成时


我要写英语作文 请您写一写 你的父母是干什么的,他做什么去上班,他们的爱好是什么? 中文:我的父母在鞋厂工作,他们早上在5点半起床,他们首先准备好早餐,然后他们就坐汽车去上班,他们工作时间是从早上8点到下午5点.他们大概6点回家并且为我们准备晚饭.晚上,妈妈洗衣服,爸爸经常为我们制作玩具.他们一整天都很忙,我非常感激我的父母.英文:My parents work in a shoe factory.they get up at five thirty.they first get breakfast ready.then they go to work by bus.they work there from eight a.m to five p.m.they come home at about six and prepare super for us.Mother washes clothes in the evening,Father often makes toys for us.they are busy all day.I am grateful for my parents.

英语作文 介绍父母 就是介绍父母是做什么的 在哪里工作 怎样去上班 不要太长 50个单词左右吧 My parentsI have a happy family.My father is a_.He works in the_.He goes to work by_.My mother is a_.She works in the_She goes to work by_.I love my parents.

求一篇英语作文:我的父亲是一名工人,以下是他一天的生活信息,请你根据所提供的信息,写篇80词作文 my father is a worker.he always gets up at 5:00a.m.every morning.then he goes to work at 6\"30 after having breakfast.he always works from 8 to12a.m.every morning.He stars working again at13:00 after having lunch in the factory.when he finishs his work,he often goes to play pingpong.then he gose home at 6;10p.m.剩下的还没完,我用摄像头拍给你吧,用键盘好辛苦,如果摄像头修不好的话我在用键盘打给你.你应该不是很急吧?


