不要把你的包带进超市来,你可以用购物篮。用英语怎么说? Don't put your bag into the supermarket,you can use a shopping basket.
拉杆购物篮是属于超市购物篮的其中一种吗? 购物篮可分为固型购物篮和可折叠购物篮。可折叠购物篮为节省空间,携带方便而设计的新款购物篮。多适用于家庭个人,用于购物、卖菜等小型商品的运输储存。可折叠购物篮材料多为防水布和金属空心管。防水布常规为牛津布,耐磨损,擦洗方便。金属空心管常规为铝管和铁管,质量轻,携带轻松省力。据中国店铺用品商城分析,固定型购物篮又分为拉杆购物篮和手提购物篮,目前很多超市都引入了拉杆购物篮,因为拉杆购物篮相对于手提购物篮来说,跟能节省人力,方便,是很多逛超市的首要选着
英语翻译 We come home at five in the afternoon You can eat first some bread You can later playing computer games She can cross the road They have to wait for the green We can use in the supermarket shopping ba.