一种拨弦类乐器---琴,声音很古典,声音没有古琴脆.有一个下载手机彩铃的广告的背景声音就是那种琴音, 企业彩铃背景乐器音乐


赵雷的歌曲《我们的时光》歌曲背景是什么? 为啥我听出了民族的风格?有种大家围着篝火跳舞的感觉~尤其是副歌部分~

一种拨弦类乐器---琴,声音很古典,声音没有古琴脆.有一个下载手机彩铃的广告的背景声音就是那种琴音, 就是古琴吧,你说的那个“古琴”应该是指古筝吧?古琴的音色是很古雅深沉的。

歌词里有make more time 《time》歌手:mkj专辑:Time歌词如下:Money is not evil by itselfIts just paper with perceived value to obtain other things we value in other waysIf not money – what is evil you may ask?Evil is the unquenchable,obsessive and moral bending desire for Evil is the bottomless,soulless and obsessive-compulsive pursuit of some pot of goldat the end of some rainbow which doesn’t existEvil is having a price tag for your heart and soul in exchange for financial success at any costEvil is trying to buy happiness,again and againuntil all of those fake,short lived mirages of emotions are goneMake timeI’m not saying you can’t be financially successfulI’m saying have a greater purpose in life well beyond the pursuit of financial successYour soul is screaming for you to answer your true callingYou can change today if you redefine what success is to youYou can transform your damaged relationships and build new onesYou can forgive yourself and others who’ve hurt 。


