英语翻译 我喜欢是因为他们有点可爱英语


英语翻译 1.他喜欢和朋友一起玩耍 he likes playing with his friends2.熊猫很可爱但有点害羞 panda is very cute but shy.3.他白天睡觉晚上工作 he sleeps in the day and work in the night4.你喜欢其他什麽动物吗 do you like any other animals5.他喜欢狗,因为很友好 he likes dogs,because it is friendly to people.6.狮子来自于南非,他们是非常危险的动物 lion comes from south africa,they are very dangerous animals7.让我们先上课吧 let 's getting class begin.8.你为甚么喜欢熊猫,因为它们只生活在中国 Why do you like panda,because they are only live in china.9.从周一到周五我们都要上学 we have to go to school from monday to saturday.10.一天有24个小时 there are 24 hours in a day.11.但愿你们旅途愉快 may you have a nice trip.12.欢迎来到我们学校 welcome to our school13.沿着这条街一直向前走,然后在红绿灯处右转 go along with this street,then turn right at cross street.14.他有一个带有漂亮花园的房子 he has a house with a beautiful garden.15.我可以乘车去那儿吗?shall i go there by taking a car?16.七中是学习的好地方 No。

英语翻译 in the part of body,dimple is the place where i like most.not onlybecause it looks lovable,but also it is the mark of smilesomeone have said the action he liked most is smilingsmile is the ptonoun of beauty which can make people happy everyday.so i hope everybody can smile everyday

英语翻译 I like bird,fish and every little lovely animal.When I was a child,I ever raised many little animals(bird,fish,tortoise,chick and duck,squirrel,rabbit and cat etc).However,I won't keep pets any longe.

