美少女的谎言第五季第五集aria同fitz滚床单还有spen和toby在车里的歌分别是什么 美少女的谎言 车


美少女的谎言 演员toby 以下资料均由本人2113摘自外站并自行翻译5261 转载请注明 翻译若有4102不妥 欢迎指正:-)?Toby CavanaughKeegan Allen portrays Toby Cavanaugh,Jenna's stepbrother.Ali's prank was meant for him,but ended up hurting Jenna;he knows the girls were behind it,but took the blame when Ali threatened to reveal one of his secrets that he was having sexual relations with his step-sister Jenna.He seems particularly interested in Emily and attempts to get closer to her.Emily's boyfriend attempts to rape her in the girl's locker room,but Toby rushes in and punches him off of her.He then transfers into Emily's chemistry class so he can be close to her.Toby gets the reputation of a creepy stalker to all of the characters.He has a tattoo on his side that says\"901 free at last\"which the girls connect to Ali's murder.In the episode\"The Homecoming Hangover\"Emily passes by The Marshall/Cavanaugh household in her new Toyota Corolla where she sees Toby's wrecked motorcycle and police at the scene;also 。

像绝望主妇 或者 美少女的谎言, 这些都是美国有钱人的故事吗? 在电视剧里他们每个家都是开的奔驰 宝马 《美少女的谎言》没看过,不了解,但《绝望主妇》中的人物多数应该算是中产阶级。属于有钱人,但并不在金字塔的顶端。Bree的第一任丈夫Rex和Susan的某任男友Ron,Susan的前夫Karl和后搬来的Bob,Lynette和Tom夫妇,Edie和Bob的Partner Lee,分别从事的是医生、律师、广告业和房地产,这几项工作应该属于中产阶级的代表,收入很可观,一般喜欢住在郊区,生活品质很高。感觉应该优于国内所谓的“小资”。Gabrielle的丈夫Carlos应该属于资产阶级,他雇佣廉价的“奴工”从而赚取大量的“剩余价值”,这和国内政治教材所讲的内容很符合(Carlos本人也觉得他和像他一样从事这种生意的人是在剥削工人)。当然,Zac Young/Dana的亲外公,Susan的某任男友Ian,John Rowland的前岳父(貌似姓Simpson吧),Gabrielle第二任公公Milton,这些都是大资产阶级,他们和主人公们不同,从Zac外公的住处就看得出,Ian家还在英国有座城堡…Susan的第二、三任丈夫Mike属于传说中的蓝领阶层,一般认为他们的收入不会太低(至少他们与中产阶级的收入差距不会像国内的这么大),但工作可能不够体面,而且在像Mike这样自由职业的人,收入并不稳定。这反映在Susan和Mike婚后为儿子的学费发愁,。

美少女的谎言的演员表 Alison DiLaurentis,玫瑰镇坏女孩的「领袖」,对她的小圈子一直采取「铁腕统治」政策。她的死党包括:Spencer Hastings,一个完美主义者,一直很嫉妒自己成绩优异的姐姐,。


