

英语翻译 你喜欢James写的那本书吗?(1)Do you like the book that/which was written by James?Do you like the book written by James(1)Are you fond of the book written by James?nbs.这本书花费了我很多时间.翻成英语怎么说? 楼主您好:这句话有三种表达方法.The book cost me a lot of time.It took me a lot of time to read this book.I spent much time on this book.祝楼主学习进步我经常在空闲时间读几本书用英语怎么说 我经常在空闲时间读几本书I often read a few books in my spare time.双语对照例句:1.他在读一本书的时候是在找什么?What was he looking for when he was reading a book?你有很多时间来读这个故事 英文 you have long time to read this story 不考虑时态吧看完这本书花了她两天时间用英语怎么说? took to finish readingHow long take to finish你可以再多花几天时间读这本书用英语怎么说 You can spend several days reading this book.你有很多时间来读这个故事英语翻译成 You have plenty of time to read the story请采纳你有很多时间读书吗?用英语写 Do you have much time to read books?为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!你能告诉我这本书我可以借多长时间吗?用英语怎么说 Can you tell me how long I can keep this book?英语翻译 1.It took him two days to read this book.2.How long did it take for you to finish the homework?(How much time did you spend to finish the homework?3.We should learn to depend on ourselves.


