在肯尼亚一带一路中的作用 下列各句中没有语病的一句是( )


“一带一路”是指丝绸之路经济带和21世界海上丝绸之路,图为“海上丝绸之路部分区域地形及气候资料示意图”,读图回答下列问题. (1)图中赤道穿过的非洲国家肯尼亚东临印度洋,其地势特点是西高东低,该国家的河流自西向东注入印度洋;(2)肯尼亚热带草原地区目前存在的主要环境问题是过渡放牧,草场退化;(3)印度的孟买属于热带季风气候,内罗毕属于热带草原气候,两地降水的共同特征是降水都有明显的干湿季;容易形成水旱灾害.(4)印度的工业多分布在原料地附近,印度最大的麻纺织工业中心是加尔各答,该城市靠近黄麻产地.故答案为:(1)印度;西高东低;(2)A;(3)降水都有明显的干湿两季;水旱;(4)加尔各答.

急求翻译一段话,谢谢了 The author is Hongren Wang.She entered a foreign company when she was 22,but left a year later.She made up her mind and carried less than 30,000 RMB to have her journey started.On her way,she kept meeting thrilling,unbelievable people and things.Up to now,she entered one industry for a year and then left and move to another.From south Asia to Middle East,then to Africa,she has walked through than 10 countries including Nepal,India,Sri Lanka,Egypt,Jordan,Israel and Kenya.I've read lots of travelling books,but rare of them are like hers,with both specific and concise descriptions.On her journey,she did each and everything full by her heart,and fully experience the joy from them and enjoy.Those who never went there,are truly wondering about the feelings about traveling,sojourn,leave and keep going through different countries.The meaning is just under the feet.

阅读图文材料,回答下列问题。 (1)运量大 成本低 可借助冬夏季风航行(任意2点,2分)(2)台风或飓风 地震或海啸(2分)(3)地处赤道附近,正午太阳高度的年变化小,气温的年变化很小(1分)但因海拔较高,气温较低,气候终年凉爽,四季如春(1分)交通(1分),技术(1分)(4)夏季光热充足,昼夜温差大(2分)(5)西安的气温年较差大于加尔各答(1分)西安年降水量较加尔各答少(1分)都受海陆热力性质差异影响(2分)


