英语翻译 这蛋糕闻起来很香甜 英文


哪种材料烤的蛋糕闻起来特香 香蕉奶酪蛋糕原料:黄油75克、鸡蛋一个、白糖50克、低粉140克、泡打粉4克、香蕉一根、三角奶酪一块。份量:5个。烤箱温度:180度25-30分钟。做法:1、黄油取出室温下软化。现在温度比较低,可以放在空调房间或电热毯上软化;2、香蕉一根用熟透的。这样烤出来后会有浓郁的香蕉香味;3、压成泥;4、面粉加泡打粉过筛备用;5、黄油软化后加入白糖打发,再加入三角奶酪打发;6、然后分次加入打散的鸡蛋液。鸡蛋要用室温的鸡蛋,不然会容易引起油水分离。如果发现油水分离,可以加一勺面粉搅拌;7、再加入过筛好的面粉和泡打粉和香蕉泥搅拌均匀;8、然后放入小纸杯中。烤箱180度预热,中层,烤25-30分钟。烤好的蛋糕最好放一天,这样才会有浓浓的香蕉蛋糕香味哦。1、这款蛋糕制作非常简单。但要注意黄油和鸡蛋都是室温而且温度在20度左右容易打发。2、制作好的蛋糕,冷却放凉,放在保鲜袋中,次日再食用。味道更佳。

这道菜闻起来很香的英文 The dish smells very nice.

英语翻译 The story is talking about a piggish mouse which is living in the farm.One day the mouse smelt an aroma that was very luscious from the cake.He was so happy and ran to the house in the farm.Really,he saw a wonderful cake put on the table and he's pretty exciting to run to there for eating the cake.However,he tore off the tablecloth.That was so unluckily,because he was seen by the cat which is the farmer's.At the result of the cat run to the mouse and the mouse was ran away.

#这蛋糕闻起来很香甜 英文
