写一篇英语作文 写你爸爸妈妈的工作以及你长大以后想做什么 要连同翻译 长大后的你是什么样做什么工作作文


长大了想做什么工作作文 每个人都会长大2113,长大了都要工5261作。爸爸妈妈经常问我长大4102了想干什么,其实我有很多的想法。我想当1653警察,那样可以抓坏人,我想当空降兵,因为觉得跳伞很勇敢,我还想当特种兵,拿着枪和敌人对战…其实我最想当的还是医生。以前刚开始的时候我还没有想过这个职业,因为有点害怕,而且当医生太恐怖,还要和死人打交道的。可是在我每次生病时的头痛、发烧,肚子疼,医生总是能帮我医治好,让我又能恢复到健康活泼的样子。我觉得医生好厉害啊!还有,妈妈也说想让我当医生的,她经常说如果我以后要是成了医生,她生病的时候就可以找我看病了。如果能用我精湛的医术,让病人药到病除。呵呵,那应该是一件很棒的事情!这就是我现在的想法。长大吧!长大了,我就能让我的想法得以实现啦!

你家人都是做什么工作的?长大以后你想做什么工作?为什么?英语作文 50词 There are three people in my family.They are my father,my mother and I.My father is a doctor in our local hospital.My mother is a teacher in my school.She teaches English.I dream of becoming a painter because I love drawing.I often go to the countryside to enjoy myself and draw the beautiful sights of nature.It makes me happy and active.

你的家人都是做什么工作的?长大之后你想做什么工作?情就此写一篇英语短文 50字, There are four people in my family.They are my father,mother,brother and I.My father is a worker in a clothes factory.He is very busy and often goes home very late.My mother is a teacher,She teaches English.She is strict with the students.My brother and I are students.My brother is in Grade 5.He studies very hard.He is a good student.I am a middle school student.I am in Grade 7.I study hard,too.I am going to be a doctor when I grow up.


