你打算在这里停留多久?用英语怎么说? You planned how long pauses in here谁帮我解决两道初中英语语言题 a short stayso/too many英语翻译 He learned to speak within 6 months.No matter what you say,i will stick to my plan.we will set out as soon as the rain stops.she has been writing the letter from 4 p.m.until now.He is going to Guilin in his summer holidaypeople won't realize the value of health until they lose it.no matter what he says,do not believe him.he can't stay here any more.he must leave now.你们打算在那停留一个礼拜吗?翻译 Are you going to stay there for a week?你打算在中国呆多久英语翻译 How long have you planned to stay in China?你打算在大连呆多久.用英语怎么说 How long will you stay in Dalian?呆多久How long have you been in Dalian?来多久英语翻译 Let's stop to have some cold drink I have two sisters Each of them has an English book Where are youWe are going to make ( )here.我们打算在这里停留一段时间. We are going to make(a stay)here.make a stay 逗留;停留一段时间.【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!英语翻译 1.What are you cooking for today's dinner?2.The food you cooked for yesterday's dinner is delicious,can you cook again for today's dinner?3.The food you cooked this afternoon is not as nice(委婉,明白不?Please try not to cook it tomorrow.4.Is this a free parking/chargeless lot/space?5.Is there any free parking/chargeless lot/space nearby?英语翻译 1)你打算在公园停留多久?How long do you plan to stay in the park?2)你哥哥打算在假期里做什么?What does your brother plan to do in the holidays?
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