英语翻译 英语尽量少出门的英文


英语翻译 哦。这是你写的吗,你好善良啊,真佩服你The tenth day of Shanghai world expo 2010 world expo,looking forward to opening at the same time,must strengthen holiday safety awareness.The opening period avoid rush out to people,safe hidden trouble.Goes out to play attention diet health and safety first.Visit Shanghai world expo should pay attention to the traffic safety,the security of the world expo consciously abide by rules and public order and civilization,the grand tour for the expo held to create a good security environment.Add:expo opened on the eve of the traffic control area,so all travel.

尽量少用 英语怎么说 尽量少用Use as little as possible尽量多音复字:[jìn liàng][jǐn liàng][词典](drink or eat)to the full;[例句制]我会尽量不zd惹人注意。I'll try to be as inconspicuous as possible

我觉得应该勤洗手,少出门,少聚会用英语怎么说? —英文:I think we should wash our hands frequently,go out less,and have fewer parties.或 I think we should wash our hands frequently,go out less and get together less.


