我最喜欢的城市是长沙用英语 急求一篇英语作文!题目是我喜欢的城市!


急求一篇英语作文。题目是我喜欢的城市。 MY FAVOURITE CITY My favourite city is Changsha,I was born in changsha,where their is very beautiful and clean.with the devolopment of people's living standars,it's becoming increasingly i.

我来自长沙有关英语小短文十句话,带翻译 我来自美丽的星城长沙,它是一个美丽的城市。I come from the beautiful star Changsha,it is a beautiful city.长沙也是一座风景秀美的山水洲城。Changsha is also a beautiful scenery of the mountain city.长沙名胜岳麓山,那是百看不厌。它可不是人造山。山上地阔物博,千年古树,苍劲挺拔,高耸入云,四季常青。山上有许多景点:爱晚亭、白鹤泉、鸟语林、麓山寺、云麓宫、烈士墓碑…Changsha scenic Mount Yuelu,that is funny.It's not man-made mountain.On the mountain wide wubo,a thousand years old,tall and vigorous,touch the sky,evergreen.There are many scenic spots on the mountain:love late Pavilion,Bai Hequan,Niaoyu Lin,Lushan temple,Yunlu palace,Tomb of martyrs.我最喜欢爱晚亭。爱晚亭在一片乱石之上,唐代诗人杜牧写道:停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。可见秋日晚霞中爱晚亭多美。当年,毛主席还经常和同学们在这里聚会呢。总之,你一定很羡慕长沙有个爱晚亭!I love the most love late Pavilion.Love late Pavilion on a piece of stone,the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu wrote:Parking Fenglin love to sit late red flowers。

英语翻译 I will want to invite you to come Changsha to play.Hunan is a beautiful city,some many scenic spots historical site,people all very friendly.summer vacation period,Hunan will conduct alarge-scale clothing to unfold,the time will have very many good foodin August.here,specially the snack.your airplane scheduled flightwill be how many,I will be able to go meet you


