跪求一份英语口语短文:内容是,“如果你有一百万,你要做什么?”高人解答! 口语求你了英文


英语翻译 Very pleased to receive your letter,very happy to know you,please give my best regards to your wife,want to be with you exchanges and communication on the island affairs,also need of your help。About Tas Amy and I will be part of the revenue again confirmed,I will examine one by one and file all related receipt and invoice file in the future.I really envy you have arranged for the Christmas holidays,can with your family is the happiest thing in the world。Wish you a safe journey smoothly.Construction and engineering related to on the island,probably have several directions:first,the trees cut down whether the license?We very much hope to use for reclamation and cut down trees to build about ten cabins and do utilize all kinds of resources.Second,we also want to build a can accommodate 50-80 people congress hall can be used in bad weather,head must include the canteen and kitchen.Third,if the construction of outdoor racquetball,basketball or tennis courts,the cost of initial 。

我英语口语可以说一直都挺烂的,每次出去旅游点个菜都费劲,求英语口语提升的方法。 1、读,是指大声朗读每天清晨,找一个清静的地方,大声朗读课文。朗读时要注意两点:一是声要大;二是速度要快(但快而不乱)。英语角是个不错的选择~2、背,就是背诵课文我们可以挑选一些优秀的文章或常用的会话,花些时间把它们背下来。背的过程也就是记忆的过程。古人说:“熟读唐诗三百首,不会做诗也会吟”。我们不仅读熟,而且都已背熟,还怕无言以对吗?还怕无话可说么?3、说,就是常说英语有一些学生不愿意说,特别是在人多的时候,更是“金口难开”。之所以害怕,不外乎两个原因:首先是怕出错。其二是不好意思,总觉得在众目睽睽之下,讲英语有点儿“如坐针毡”。这样就失去了许多练习口语的机会。一般来说,要练好英语口语每天讲英语的时间不要少于二十分钟。只有多练,才能“熟能生巧”,才能出成果。我之前还报过北京新东方的倍学口语班级,学完之后口语方面提升了不少。总之学习=90%汗水 10%天赋。英语口语还是要多练才能说得好。都说:“台上一分钟,台下十年功。建议平时没事多多练习。

求这句话的英语口语怎么说:请稍等,帮你转接待处询问 No.Hold on,please.I will transfer you to the receptionist.

