我很不爽.英语怎么说 周围的人都不熟这让我很不爽用英文


英语翻译 I really want to give my sincerely thanks to everyone around me.Firstly,I want to thank you,my parents,who make it possible for me to live in this world,I love you.I also want to show my thanks to you,my dear friends,who are the most valueable person in my life.I need you all.I'd like to help you with my very best,and I do hope you can feel happy because of the exsitance of me,which may give me a sense of contented.Whenever my friends get in some problems,I'd always like to give them some of my suggestions.The most frequently things I would do is telling them many meaningful and significant words,because of which some of my friends think of it good for me to be a philosopher in the future.Although I feel it hard to do so myself sometimes actually.绝对的人工作业.新鲜出炉.

“操”用英文怎么说? Fuck,英bai式发音:[f?k],美du式发zhi音:[f?k]。daoFuck(英式发音:[f?k],美式发音:[f?k]),欺骗,利用,诅咒专,鄙属视,操,常用来骂人或侮辱他人。扩展资料:The fuck 常用来加强语气,类似于“到底”、“究竟”、“the heck”、“on earth”、“the hell”、“草,靠”等,在疑问词后。例1 熟人间的问候:\"How the fuck are you?例2 疑问:\"What the fuck is(are).?例3 不满:\"What the fuck is going on here?例4 迷惘:\"Where the fuck are we.例5 担心:\"Let's get the fuck out of here.例6 怀疑:\"How the fuck did you do that?参考资料:—fuck

你为什么要问我这个问题{用英语怎么说啊】 Why are you asking me thisquestion


