翻译英语句子 你好,很高兴为你解答翻译如下:I am from Shanghai.I am going to Hainan tomorrow.I like July and March.How many days in Maywe will have a sports day.希望对你有帮助每天乘地铁上学花费他大约15分钟的时间 用英语怎么说 It takes him approximately 15 minutes to get to school by subway.I plan to spend my summer vacation at Hainan.We are going camping on Sunday at ShanXing.They are planning to leave Beijing tomorrow.My dad is going to take me to see a movie tonight.What are you planning for this weekend?英语翻译 Him every month you see your grandmother?The day before yesterday,he participated in the game.Why you?I eat.Day of the week tomorrow?Saturday.We intend to make friends with them.I am 12 years old last year,I went to Hainan.If it rains,you will do?Do not speak loudly,I read newspapers.Just three tomato basket.保健操so good for you eyes.明天我将要去海南用英语怎么写 明天我将要去海南I'm going to Hainan tomorrow.明天我将要去海南。(翻译成英文) I will go to Hainan tomorrow
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