英语翻译 可再生能源 翻译


我们将能源分为两种:可再生能源和不可再生能源,(翻译成英文) 可再生能源 renewable resources不可再生资源 nonrenewable resources

英语翻译 The most severe issues facing society development and advances in human civilisation nowadays are the gradual decrease in the amount of non-renewable fuels such as crude oil;the increasingly degrading environment;and the development and harvest of clean,renewable energy.Geothermal energy is used quite extensively in many parts of the world.The old technologies are still vibrant and the new ones have matured and have been ever improving.In terms of energy exploitation and technology transactions,there are still a substantial amount potentials.Geothermal energy is stored naturally underground and access to it is not affected by weather;it can be used as base-load energy as well as a provision of energy when the need arises.亲自翻的哦.

英语翻译 1 The exploitation and wasteful use of non-renewable sources of energy have brought serious problems to human beings and are endangering all the species that share the same one Earth with us.2 Developing countries have no choice but to exploit(and use)more natural resources so that they can get money for imported industrial machinery and spare parts.

#可再生能源法解读#可再生能源和不可再生能源#可再生能源 翻译#可再生能源与建筑能源利用技术#可再生能源专业好就业吗
