懂英语的哥哥姐姐进来一下,这句话用英语怎么说呢? i swear to God:from now on,i'll do everything on my timetable,whatever troubles or tie,i'll hold on forever.英语句子帮我翻译一下 某人花费多长时间做某事?某人花多长时间做某事吗? ①It taks sb some time to do sth②sth cost sb some time③sb spend some time on sth我们应该被允许像那样花费时间做事 翻译成英语 We should be allowed to take time and do things like that.某人做某事花了多长时间翻译为英语 主要有两个词可用,一个是take,一个是spend,还是举例子说明吧1 I spent two days on this project.2 I spent two days in solving this problem.3 It took me two days to solve this problem.4 How long did it take you to solve this problem?5 How many hours did you spend on this project?可以看出来,两个词的用法还是很灵活的,spend后面的on和in的介词选择根据后面是名词还是动名词来决定。"花时间做某事"英语有哪几种说法?"花钱做某事"呢? 【花时间做某事】1.【take】(cost也行)it take/cost sb some time to do sth2.spendsb spend some time on sth或:sb spend some time(in)doing sth【花钱做某事】1.pend some money(in)doing sth2.it costs.英语翻译 With the continuous development of human society,and people are moving forward in a hurry.People a lot less time to revisit the classics.Because they think the classic thing of the past,so i.做某事花了某人多少时间用英语怎么说 sb.spend+时间+on something或sb.spend+时间+in doing sth.或 it takes sb.some time to do sth
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