华为面试流程是什么? 资源池 英文


英语翻译云计算(cloud computing),是一种基于互联网的计算方式,通过这种方式,共享的软硬件资源和信息可以按需提供给计算机和其他设备.云其实是网络、互联网的一种比喻说法.云计算的核心思想,是将大量用网络连接的计算资源统一管理和调度,构成一个计算资源池向用户按需服务.我的英语不太好,大家可以帮我把他翻译成英文么?

java如何做云计算? 广义云计算是指服务的交付和使用模式,指通过网络以按需、易扩展的方式获得所需的服务。这种服务可以是IT和软件、互联网相关的,也可以是任意其他的服务。

五大连池的英文介绍 Wudalianchi is located in the north of Heilongjiang province,in the 48°30′-48°50′North latitude,126°00′-126°25′east latitude,in the transitional place between the lesser Xingan.under the administration of the city are ten township,serven state-owned farms,11army's farms,4 prisons and one forestry general bureau,the city covers the areas of 9072 square kilometers.-There is a population of 345000.said the during June and July,the volcano erupted suddenly,stones flying,noise like thunder the eruption happened 280 years ago in 1719-1721.The name of Wudalianchi came the fact the five inter-link lakes were formed due to volcanic lava block-up of White River which belongs to the branch of Nemoer River.Wudalianchi is only one of hometowns of mineral water in China,as the first in Asia and the second in the world,the mineral spring town owns rich resources in tourist,there are several scenic zones,such as The world's geol。

#资源池与云的不同#资源池设计#资源池建设#资源池 英文#资源池

