歌词是生有时死有时歌名是什么 是can't help falling in loveCan't Help Falling In Love歌手:Elvis Presley发行时间:2011-06-20所属专辑:《The Real Elvis》Wise men sayonly fools rush inBut I can't helpfalling in love with you.Shall I staywould it be a sinIf I can't helpfalling in love with you?Like a river flows,surely to the seaDarling so it goes.Some things are meant to beTake my handtake my whole life tooFor I can't helpfalling in love with youLike a river flows,surely to the seaDarling so it goes.Some things are meant to beTake my handtake my whole life tooFor I can't helpfalling in love with youFor I can't helpfalling in love with you
生有时死有时圣经原文 生有时死有时是旧约圣经中的传道书第三章的一句话,它的原文如下。《圣经》传道书第一章 1:1 在耶路撒冷作王、大卫的儿子、传道者的言语。1:2 传道者说、虚空的虚空、虚空。
“生有时,死有时;栽种有时,拔出所栽种的也有时……“出处和含义 传道书 3:1-8第一句就说明了整段的意思。所有一切都有上帝所定的时间。有喜也必有悲,这是每个人人生所要面对的。