英语翻译 I bought an apple in the market which I eventually ate.这句话容易误解.你吃了APPLE,不是 market.which不能跟在market后面.改成:1.in the market,I bought an apple which I eventually ate.2.或者不用定语从句,用AND 连接.I bought an apple in the market,AND I ate itI bought an apple which I eventually ate in the market.这句话可以.
我吃了一半的苹果,用英语怎么说。 如果是我吃了苹果的一半:I ate half of an apple.如果是我吃了某个特定苹果的一半:I ate half of the apple.如果只要一个名词性短语:the apple(that)I have eaten a 。
我吃了一半的苹果,用英语怎么说。 如果是我吃了苹果copy的一半百:I ate half of an apple.如果是我吃了某个特度定苹果的一问半:I ate half of the apple.如果只要一个名词答性短语:the apple(that)I have eaten a half.