[指弹弹唱]吉他谱上的X怎么弹 溯的吉他谱弹唱


吉他谱 稻香 那个鲁豫有约上弹得是变调的,貌似是C调的,网上没有,网上只有A调的,虫虫上有泥人乐队的谱,编的还不错,还有试听MP3,推荐你弹。never grow up原版个人弹唱的吉他谱,六线谱的那种,个人弹唱的那个版本。 Intro-D A Bm A G A.D A Bm A G.D A Bm A Your little hands wrapped around my finger G A And it's so quiet in the world tonight D A Your little eyelids Bm A 。求人指导you are beautiful吉他弹唱和吉他谱啊!!! http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQzOTQ2MjQw.html这里是网友翻唱的,指法很清楚啦。C G Am FMy life is brilliantCMy life is brilliantGMy love is pureAmI saw an angelFOf that I’m sureCShe smiled at me on the subwayGShe was with another manAmBut I won’t lose no sleep on thatFCause I’ve got a planF GYou’re beautifulCYou’re beautifulF G CYou’re beautiful,it’s trueF GI saw your faceC G AmIn a crowded placeF G AmAnd I don’t know what to doF G CCause I’ll never be with youC G Am FCYes,she caught my eyeGAs we walked on byAmShe could see from my face that I wasFhighC GAnd I don’t think that I’ll see her againAm FBut we shared a moment that will last to the endF GYou’re beautifulCYou’re beautifulF G CYou’re beautiful,it’s trueF GI saw your faceC G AmIn a crowded placeF G AmAnd I don’t know what to doF G CCause I’ll never be with youAm Am Am DLa-la-la-la La-la-la-la La-la-la-la La-aF GYou’re beautifulCYou’re beautiful。《滴答》吉他弹唱技巧(含吉他谱),虽然自己不是什么大神,但给想学吉他的新手们一点点帮助。滴答这首歌是首抒情的慢歌。很适合新手练习。[指弹/弹唱]吉他谱上的X怎么弹,这是一个许多吉他爱好者们经常提问的问题,不过网上的解答良莠不齐,经常有很多误导,在此我便分享一下自己的经验,来讲解一下吉他谱上的X是。请各位帮我找到wonder girls的nobody弹唱吉他谱,高分谢谢! http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/wonder_girls_tabs.htm


