semi-structure test, 协方差分析 请帮忙翻译成英文 多谢多谢~~


请帮忙翻译成英文 多谢多谢~~ 请帮忙翻译成英文 多谢多谢~国外发达国家的超高模板支架以平面刚架为基本搭设单元[3]~[5],我国由于经济条件所限,多采用扣件式和碗扣式超高模板支架,它们的受力性能不如。

能帮翻译一下下面的一段话,谢谢.关于DNA复制的基本规律 DNA as the genetic material should have two basic functions,first,to see the era of genetic information transfer,thus ensuring the continuation of species and genetic stability,and second,in the cell and individual growth and development of such processes can be expressed,thus demonstrating similar to the parental traits.Must be accurate,DNA replication.In 1953 Watson and Crick proposed model and the DNA double helix structure of DNA semi-conservative model.In 1958,the first by Meselson and Stahl E.coli as the material,the use of N15 and N14 with the bits labeled DNA test confirmed the correctness of semi-conservative replication model.After Cairns in 1963 of E.coli DNA autoradiography experiments,and Taylor in 1958,carried out in broad bean chromosome autoradiography experiments,were indicative of eukaryotic and prokaryotic like,DNA replication methods are carried out by semi-conservative manner.

牛津和剑桥的物理专业有何异同,怎样选择? 本人目前alevel在读,以后想要学习物理。牛剑算是拼一拼吧。(现在想要去的是剑桥。鉴于牛剑只能二选一,…

#semi-structure test#协方差分析

