如何评价印度电影《调音师》的结局? 调音师剧情介绍


《调音师》结局剧情大解析在哪里? 《调音师》剧情分析除了纪实故事、纪录片、基于真实事件改编的故事之外—它们有或多或少的情节/信息是事实性的,一般的电影和小说,我们知道情节都纯属虚构,或者说,我们都知道是导演、编剧、作者等编的。好的故事尽量追求合理性,自恰,剧情不矛盾,这样的好故事,我们当做都是真的看也是可以的。一个故事里的情节,我们很少会去纠结哪些情节是谁陈述的,默认它们都是统一的陈述人,真假也是统一的。《调音师》一开始看,虽然看的过程觉得剧情转折很多,主角智商一直不在线外,没有觉得烧脑的地方,直到电影末尾,女主苏菲在伦敦看到了男主阿卡什,发现他唱着抒情的歌曲,眼睛瞎的。阿卡什请苏菲喝了咖啡,跟他讲述了一路发生的故事。而当苏菲离去,阿卡什在大街上表现出了自己是装瞎。这表明,电影里的情节,有一部分可能是假的,那我们就需要知道情节是怎么拼接起来的,谁提供的信息,谁是陈述者,谁在哪些情节说谎了。当然,我们无意追求具体的细节是否合理,而是分析电影中,哪些重要的情节,是可以认为偏“真实”,哪些偏“真实性难以确定,可能是谎言”。这里说的真假,指的是,如果故事是完全基于现实的调查,根据调查进行的信息还原,哪些情节可能偏真实,哪些是。

电影《调音师》中有什么细思极恐的细节? 看完调音师,主要有四个疑问点:1.恶毒女死了吗?怎么死的?是在器官剥夺中死的还是翻车死的?2.医生死…

求微电影《调音师》的英文版介绍、影评 又叫 piano turner 是法国32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb931333330336336的微电影。Adrien is a blind piano tuner that is hired by Simon and who enters lots of houses in the easiest way.He was originally a relatively good piano player one year ago who had in mind to win the Bernstein award,but he failed and he felt sorry for himself and made the decision to tune pianos going to his clients’places…with an extra advantage:being a silent witness of what people do around him,and sometimes he perceives fantastic things that could be unimaginable in other circumstances.But everything has its price.The first scene shows Adrien playing the piano in underwear and someone behind him.But there is a secret in him that is revealed when he is with Simon in a café…and it is a lie that can be a huge risk for the one telling it and one never thinks of the consequences that it can bring.The story of the way the Taj Mahal was built is a verbal introduction to the story that we will 。


