英语作文 汉译英 答案是:1.the Whites are going to DaLian for vacation this summer and staying there about three weeks2.DaLian is beautiful and the weather is fine,it's suitable for going sightseeing3.they can go swimming in the sea and eat the delicious seafood and local food in Dalian4.they are going to spend a happy and relaxing vacation there5.they are going to bring some souvenirs for their friends怀特一家今年暑假打算去大连旅游的翻译是:什么意思 怀特一家今年暑假打算去大连旅游的翻译是:The White family plans to travel to Dalian this summer.英语作文(计划假期旅游) 1,White intends to leave the house to Dalian to travel.They are prepared to go in there,and then plan a week,to go sea swimming,try the delicious seafood and Dalian food and some friends.Dalian are ve.英语翻译 The Whites are going to visit Dalian for vacation.They are staying for a week.They plan to go swimming in the sea and eat delicious seafood and Dalian food.They hope to make some friends there.Dalian.假如你打算暑假期间和父母到大连去旅游写一篇英语作文 I thought of Dalian city to travel this summer,with my father and my mother,rides the airplane,though a bit expensive,but the plane ride to get there faster,can save a lot of time,has spent time with my mom and Dad,go to attractions,enjoy scenery,taste delicious。This will be a memorable summer.假如你打算暑假期间和父母到大连去旅游写一篇英语作文 假如你打算暑假期间和父母到大连去旅游,你打算怎么去呢?看看下面的几种交通 轮船:能看大海 飞机:最快,也最贵 火车。假如你打算暑假期间和父母到大连去旅游,你打算怎么去呢?(使用飞机 最快,也最贵) 英语作文 楼主吧英语题目给我求一篇英语作文 Whites' are going to travel to Dalian where they planed to stay for a week.they are about to swim in the beautigul sea and tasted the delicious sea food and 。
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