野生动物保护组织翻译 野生动物保护组织、有哪些、怎么加入?1、我想加入那种国际的动物保护组织、有什么具体方法么?2、或者、中国的组织也可以、还是具体方法?3、或者、怎么一个人的名义帮助野生动物、比


求翻译!!成立这个组织,为了保护濒临野生动物免于灭绝 This organisation is established to protect endangered wildlife from extinction.Establishing this organisation is to protect endangered wildlife from extinction.为了通常翻译为to do sthprotect sb/sth from sth 保护。免受。两句都可以,第二句更接近原句结构,第一句属于名词动词化的翻译方法成立还可以用build,set up 等为了还可以用 in order to

你听说过一个叫做保护东北虎的致力于保护野生动物的组织么? Have you heard of an organization that is committed to protecting wildlife called protection of Amur Tigers?亲,望采纳啊

野生动物保护组织英文简介 Wildlife Conservation Organization(WCS)is a protected wild animal for the purpose of public organizations.Them through education,to build the world's largest zoo and other action to change people's attitude towards nature,make people aware of animals and humans have the same right to life.IFAWInternational Fund for Animal Welfare(IFAW)is committed to worldwide by reducing commercial exploitation and trade of wild animals,protect habitat and help in crisis and suffering in animals to improve the welfare of wild and companion animals.IFAW actively seeking ways to solicit public participation,to stop the cruel abuse of animals,people and government institutions to promote the harmonious coexistence of animal welfare and animal protection policies.


