FM内置天线种类?每种特点? 宽带有源天线


GPS有源天线与无源的区别和原理?/ 区别在于:原理不同、使用范围不同、结构特点不同。1、原理不同:有源天线能够进一步减少馈线连接的功率损耗,可使系统具有更高的信噪比、更好的阻抗匹配以及更宽的频带;无源宽带天线在超短波宽带接收测量系统中,大量采用宽带天线进行无线电接收,并且十分关注系统的接收灵敏度指标。2、使用范围不同:有源天线是将基站的射频部分集成到天线内部,采用多通道的射频和天线阵子配合,实现空间波束赋形,完成射频信号的收发;无源宽带天线高温超导体的减小的表面电阻Rs具有能够把射频(RF)和微波装置的内部损耗降低许多分贝的潜力。3、结构特点不同:有源天线内部集成了接收天线模块、低噪声放大模块、电源供给模块;无源宽带天线以对数周期天线、平面螺旋天线、盘锥天线、螺锥天线为主。参考资料来源:-有源天线参考资料来源:-无源天线

英语翻译 Yagi antenna in last centuries twenty time by Tohoku University Japan's HidetsuguYagi and Shintaro Uda took the lead in research,the antenna was named\"Yagi-Uda antenna\",referred to as\"Yagi antenna\".Is composed of an active vibrator and a plurality of parallel passive dipoles.An active vibrator can be resonant length of the half wave vibrator or folding vibrator,passive dipoles also known as parasitic unit,through the active oscillator in the near field coupling inspired.Yagi antenna has the advantages of simple structure,low cost,light weight,can provide high gain and other characteristics,is the high frequency VHF UHF band antenna-the most common one,but the band is narrow,can only achieve the end-fire radiation,not directly with the carrier surface coplanar mounting.Qian et al proposed using microstrip technology Quasi-Yagi antenna,antenna back truncated ground itself both as microstrip reflective surface,but also plays a role of transmitting oscillator.The antenna impedance 。

这个是不是八木天线,但是又好像没有有源振子,我想用来增强对讲机uv5r的信号怎么做? 不是八木天线,而是“对数周期天线”,用它做词条可以在上搜到相应的说明。这是一种宽带天线,但是效率不如单频道的八木天线。上面的杆子全部是有源振子,不过只有一。


