关于我的偶像母亲的英语作文 我的偶像英语作文!


求一篇以我的偶像为话题的英语作文. My idolAs the old saying goes:An idol is an example to advise you what should do and what should not do.Everyone has his/her idol.Who is your idol?Your parents,famous people or a movie star?My idol is my father who is not only an excellent father but also a responsible husband.First of all,in my memories,he doesn’t argue with my mother all the time.Exactly speaking,he is a tolerant husband.Whenever me mom angry,the great father always has many ways to make my mother delighted.Without my father,I can’t imagine the atmosphere in my family.Then,he is a responsible father.Last year,my brother was put into prison for a week since he had a fight with other guys.My mother cried all day,however,my father went to prison to visit my brother and had a deep talk with my brother.A week later,my brother turned into another person just like my father.The great father teaches his children how to face instead of how to hide.The least but not last,because my father works in a company far away from 。

我的偶像是我的妈妈50字英语作文 There are many people around me.but I love my mother best.My mother is a teacher,and she is also a great mother.She tries to do what she can to help me with my s.

我的偶像英语作文 带中文翻译哦 1955年10月2 8日,比尔·盖茨出生在美国的西雅图。他用了15年时间,积累资产竟达1100亿美金。他的人生格言是:“我是王,我能赢!你们肯定会很好奇,我的偶像为什么是比尔·盖茨?是因为他赚了很多钱?还是因为他超人的智慧?说实话,这些都不是我崇拜他的原因。我喜欢比尔·盖茨的远大理想,喜欢他永远自信的笑容。盖茨从小就喜欢看《世界图书全书》,这本书很厚,重量相当于他体重的三分之一。小盖茨经常几个小时连续地阅读这本大书,他常常陷入沉思,总是强烈地感觉到,在这些小小的文字中隐藏着一个神奇的世界!他经常在幻想:人类的历史将越来越长,那么以后的全书不是会越来越大,越来越重呢?如果能造出一个只有魔盒那么大,却能包罗万象的全书,那该有多方便呀。这个奇妙的梦想,后来竟被他实现了,有了他的发明,现在,我们只要携带一块小小的芯片就可以阅览全世界。盖茨看的书越来越多,想的问题也越来越多。四年级的一天,他对他的同学卡尔·爱德蒙德说:“与其做一棵草坪里的小草,还不如成为一株耸立于秃丘上的橡树。因为小草千篇一律、毫无个性,而橡树则高大挺拔、昂首苍穹。从这以后,他坚持写日记,随时记下自己的想法,小小的年纪竟像。


