请问湖北省荆州的英语是倒着翻译的吗 非常急 在线等 谢谢 先说荆州再说湖北,就是先说市,区再说省,国家英语介绍荆州 Jingzhou,with a history of than 2,600 years,is the cradle of Chu Culture and one of primary places of Three Kingdoms culture.Jingzhou was the native place of Qu Yuan,the great patriotic poet in China and a town of military importance in the periods of dozens of kingdoms and dynasties.To the east of Jingzhou is Wuhan,a hub city of traffic;to the west is the world-known project of Three Gorges;to the south is the vast lake of Dong Ting;to the north is the imposing beautiful mountain of Wu Dang.Having peaceful,picturesque campuses dotted with relaxing and scenic spaces,the city is really a good place to visit.求英语翻译!急急急! hello everyone,i am liuyi from Jianli county in jingzhou city of hubei province.well,I looks very cold but easygoing person,Though rarely smiled and too sharp in my eyes,but it was just my appearance,Don't be deceive by my appearance and get away,I will feel sad for this.I have a lot of shortcomings,no idea for advantages,as I always ask for advise of my shortcomings,and try to correct it.But I always can't correct a shortcoming which is lack of perseverance for a part of things.I don't like show myself,but always wanted,so when the shchool started,I wanted to join everything,but unfortunately not selected by any organization.Now,there are some projects again,but I don't want to take them.(Well,I also don't like this)I can just say,I will try my best to change myself.Also,I like sports,but just a little bit in many sports.such as table tennis,badminton,volleyball and so on,it is really a little bit.If somebody wants to do sport,pls contact me,we can compared notes and 。“湖北省荆州市江津西路5号”用英文怎么写 湖北省荆州市江津西路5号Jingzhou City,Hubei Province,Jiangjin Road on the 5th帮我用英语做个简短的自我介绍,如果可以的话再帮我介绍一道菜或者地方你熟悉的就行老师早上好,我的名字叫 曹管民,市场营销二班,来自湖北荆州,我热爱运动,喜欢打篮球,羽毛球.我的性格开朗热情,我对我的职业生涯已经有了一个很好的规划,我希望我能通过自己的努力,实现自己的梦想.. 我来自湖北省武汉市的李蕾。 这句话用英文怎么说 I come from Hubei province Wuhan City Li Lei英语 今天是09年5月6日 Today is May 6th,2009.Jingzhou,which is located in the middle of Hubei,is a beautiful city.我是来自湖北省荆州市监利县XX的一名普通女孩有一个要读小学一年级的弟弟要怎么办, 可以 要求退还,按合法渠道入学。
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