参加讨论组的不到十三人用英语怎么说 The number of people who take part in the dissusion group is less than 13.或者There are less than 13 people who take part in the dissusion group.这是一般现在时的表达。参加讨论组的不到十三人用英语怎么说 参加讨论组的不到十三人用The discussion team's participants is under thirteen.关于英文的小组讨论 没有关系。首先,在对话的2113时候要放松。一般会5261说道的话就是:”What do you think?What do you believe that you'll do?(什么)is so cool.\"\"I love how you say it.\"你可以赞美4102别人1653。Like:\"Wow,you are so amazing。Your words totally inspired me。Thanks a lot。如果让另外个人说,就说:”What's your opinion?Do you have any ideas?Tell me what you think.当别人问你问题听不懂时,就说:”Sorry,I couldn't understand what you mean.Can you make yourself clearer?or\"Thanks,but I don't think I can answer yourquestion.老师问你问题你不会:”Well,I can't understand what you're talking about.请重复:”could you please repeat?一定要说:”thank you。技巧:别太紧张,注意声音不要发抖。Remember to act normally。祝你好运!Good luck。英语翻译 1 Thing we need to meet to discuss,We will tell you as soon as possible the results of.2 Do not tell it to anyone else.3 I'll give you several documents,have you ever seen after,you know how it is.4 To hear you say/So explain,We can rest assured.5 How did you get hurt/How did your leg hurt?6 I can not give you too much wealth,can only give you some happy.translation.Thank you.英语翻译 we will be divided into two groups,group A goes for supporting side,group B goes for debating side.and there will be three topics for each time~after each topic there will be voting to decide the winner.Now comes showing time~it is time to vote.please raise up your hands for supporting~ok,group A wins the first round~now let's go for the second topic~That's all for today's debating~Let's welcome teacher~to give us a speach~thank you~英语翻译 翻译:In order to give others a better picture of this product,we have set up a discussion team.But we do not have many members at the early stage.It is because of our love for this product that we gather together and strive for making it better.Our hope is to have and people to love,understand and know its existance.We sincerely hope it can become better and better while gradually winning your support and encourgement.Your support is the biggest wealth of us and we will do our best.Did you receive my message?“小组讨论”用英语怎么说? 最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容>;原发布者:rocbot孙慧:Today,weareheretodiscusswhichismoreimportantforusuniversitystudents,practicalskillsortheoreticalknowledge.Shallwestartnow?所有人:Yes.孙慧(62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333433623762问王倩):Differentpersonmusthavedifferentopinion.Thenwhat’syourviewpoint?王倩:Ireckontheformerismoreimportant.Practicalskillshelpusdealwithmanyproblemsinreality,however,theoreticalknowledgefightsonlyonpaperbutcan'thaveanyrealhelp.Youknowhowtodo,butyoucan'tdoanything,situationslikethatwillgiveyouasenseofincapacityandmakeyoubecomelessandlessconfident.That'srellyhorrible。李鹤:Iagreewithher.ThepracticeoflearningEnglishisagoodexample.WearenotlivinginanEnglishspeakingcountry.So,inordertolearnitwell,weneedextrapractice,suchasreadingEnglishbooks,goingtoEnglishcorners,orcommunicatingwithforeigners.OnlysittingatthedeskcannotleadtothemasteryofEnglish.Onlythroughpracticecanonebegoodatdoingthings.丰硕:AsIseeit,there'。我们正在讨论这个问题,用英语怎么说?急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急 we are discussing thisquestion(我认为problem 不够恰当 你指的应该是学术方面的问题)望采纳^?_?^“这是我们的讨论的结果”,翻译成英语怎么说? This is the result of our discussion.
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