写一段叫警察去抓小偷的对话(英语)该怎么写? dorp the weapon and hands up,u have the right to keep silent,but everything u say will be used in the court.写一篇关于捉小偷的英语作文 抓小偷(Catching the Thief)One day,while I was reading an interesting book,my father came in and asked me to buy a bottle of beer for him.I went downstairs and rode on my bike.When I reached the shop,I entered without locking my bike.A few minutes later,I came out of the shop.Suddenly I saw a man riding on my bike and trying to get away with it.I quickly ran to him.But he was too fast.I couldn't catch up with him.Just then,a police car happened to come along.I went over and asked them for help.They hurriedly drove after the thief.A bike can never run faster than a car.So the thief is caught in no time.I got my bike back again.抓小偷一天我正在屋里看一本有趣的书,这时爸爸进来要我给他买一瓶啤酒.我下楼骑上自行车就去了.我到了商店门口的时候,没锁自行车就进去了.几分钟后,我从商店里出来,突然看见一个人骑在我的自行车上,要逃跑.我赶紧跑着追他.可他骑得太快,我追不上他.就在那时,一辆警车正好经过.我跑去请求他们帮助.自行车永远也没有汽车跑得快,很快小偷就被抓住了,我的自行车也失而复得.初一英语作文第5单元,第4部分的英语作文50字 捉小偷,复制的没有分哦 catch robberssee some men in police uniform,求警察抓小偷的一篇英语作文,急急急!!!悬赏可追加! The other day I was walking on the street,stalking a young man who was a few steps ahead of me.I followed him because it had been quite a while that he'd been 。警察抓小偷英语作文 Last Sunday,Amy went to a shopping mall.She wanted to buy a pair of shoes.Suddenly she saw a short man behind her.He stole her purse and ran out of the shop.Amy shouted\"Stop thief。Stop thief\"A police.用现在进行时写一篇英语作文 Say a thief to steal something at the supermarket,was me and my friends to see,and we followed him came to the park and saw him looking at the newspapers,tell us a policewoman,policewoman arrested and put him,and he cried一篇英语作文.关于一篇70词左右的盗窃案件短文.(最好今天上午给我回复吧。)内容提示: At 12:30 last night,when everybody was asleep,two thieves broke into a lab on the second floor and there,they found some expensive equipment.When they were trying to move the equipment out of the building,the doorkeeper heard the sound and immediately called the police nearby the school.The two thieves were at last caught/arrested 20 minutes later.The policemen warned everyone to keep away from thieves.
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