英语翻译 一方面是入世后客观环境的变化对会计人员提出了更高的要求,另一面却是落后的高等会计教育难以满足这一需要,高等会计教育究竟何去何从,如何迎接跨世纪的挑战?中国高等会计界对此展开了热烈的讨论,显然,只接受有限的会计教育,将无法在快速发展的职业中获得成功,高等会计教育必须通过不断改革和发展来适应会计服务多元化的要求.On the other hand is go into a life time behind objective environmental of the variety put forward a higher request to the accountant,but another one noodles is to fall behind of high etc.the accountancy educate hard satisfy this needs,high etc.the accountancy educate actually and what should one do,how greeting a challenge of acrossing the century?China high etc.accountancy the field launched a warm discussion to this,obviously,accepts a limited accountancy to educate,will can't achieve success in the occupation of fast development,high etc.the accountancy educate and have to pass to reform and develop continuously to adapt an accountancy to serve diversified request.
现代社会给我们提出了更高的要求、新的挑战_____、_____、_____。 我尽力了,还是想不到。想了我10分钟了。
世纪对我们的素质提出了更高更新的要求 A