写一篇关于控制情绪的英语短文 60到80词之间 关于愤怒管理的英语短文


写一篇关于控制情绪的英语短文 60到80词之间 How to control your emotions?Well,we all know EQ is the key of life.We should ontrol our emotions not letting the emotions take control of you.Emotion can be a very useful tool to your success.We all.

如何控制自己的情绪英语短文 情绪是人对客观现实的一种特殊的反映形式,是对客观事物是否符合自己需要而产生的心理体验.良好积极的情绪能够成为事业、学习和生活的内驱力,而不良消极的情绪则会对身心健康、人际交往等产生破坏作用.因而,不断把自身情绪提升到有益于个人进步和社会发展的高度,是十分必要的.保持一颗炽热的心,一份快乐的情,烦恼,郁闷不再有.Emotion is a reflection of a special form of objective reality,is the objective things to conform to their psychological experience.Positive emotions can become a good career,study and life of the drive,while bad negative emotions will produce damage to physical and mental health,interpersonal,etc.Therefore,unceasingly to promote their own emotions to highly conducive to the interests of individual progress and social development is very necessary.Keep a hot heart,a happy mood,worry,depressed there shall be no

谁有英语的小短文、笑话? 刚入学的时候,全班自我知介绍。一男同学走上讲台:“我叫王鹏,来自北京,我爱下棋!说完就道下去了,下一位是个女生,该女娇羞地走版上讲台,忐忑不安地自我介绍:“我…我叫夏琪…”。When the school,the class introduction.A male classmate platform:\"my name is Wang Peng,from Beijing,I loved playing chess。权\"Then he went down,the next one is a girl,the girl blushing platform,be very upset to introduce yourself:\"I am.I 'm Xia Qi.


