英语翻译:我希望你能考虑我的建议 希望考虑我的意见用英语怎么说


希望市长可以采纳我的意见英语怎么说 英文原文:I sincerely wish the mayor would adopt my advice.英式音标:[a?][s?n?s??l?][w??][e?][me?][w?d;w?d][??d?pt][ma?][?d?va?s].美式音标:[a?][s?n?s?rli][w??][e?][?me?][w?d][??dɑpt][ma?][?d?va?s].我希望你能接受这些建议 用英语怎么说? I hope you will accept these advice.我希望你仔细考虑一下 英文怎么说 应该是这样 i want you to think it overthink sth over 就是考虑意思希望你接受我~用英语怎么说? 商务英语 委婉一些I hope you we can reach an agreement on the current price.或者Your agreement on the current price is appreciated.个人更倾向后者~超人气团体 英语系~我希望你能给我一些建议.用英语怎么说? I don't know how to solve this problem,I hope you can give me some advice/suggestions希望能够帮到你。他的建议值得考虑用英语怎么说7种 您好,我是百普育吧华师教学度站的张老师:一、知道His suggestion deserves to be considere二、His proposal is worth considering三、His suggestion is worth considering四、The advice is deserved to be taken into account五、His suggestion deserves serious consideration六、It is a considerable problem to his suggestion七、His suggestion is worthy of consideration八、It is worth taking into account the recommendations he made九、版His suggestions are of great value希望我的回答能帮助到您权,望采纳英语翻译 谢谢您对我的赏识以及帮助:Thank you for your recognition(认可)and help.thank you for your consideration指谢谢您的关照 thank you for your appreciation:谢谢您的欣赏,认可希望能帮到您.


