英语作文 优质解答Everyone has their own dreams,I am the same.But my dream is not a lawyer,not a doctor,not actors,not even anindustry.Perhaps my dream big people will find it ridiculous,but thishas been my pursuit。My dream is to want to have a folk life。I want itto become a beautiful painting,it is not only sharp colors,but alsothe colors are bleak,I do not rule out the painting is part of theblack,but I will treasure these bleak colors。Not yet,how about,acolorful painting,if not bleak,add color,how can it prominentAmerican?Life is like painting,painting the bright red colorrepresents life beautiful happy moments.Painting a bleak colorrepresents life difficult,unpleasant time.You may find a flat with abeautiful road is not very good yet,but I do not think it will.If aperson lives flat then what is the point?Life is only a short fewdecades,I want it to go Finally,Each memory is a solid.翻译:每个人都有自己的梦想,我也一样.但是我的梦想不是律师,不是医生,不是演员,甚至不是一种。我爱我的家乡——舟山 作文400字 在浩瀚的东海,分布着千余各大小岛屿,犹如一颗颗璀璨的明珠,这就是我们的家乡—舟山群岛.长期以来,因一水相隔,舟山孤悬海外,浩渺的大海仿佛一堵无形的巨墙,阻断了海陆两地的交往,海岛的经济受到了极大制约.于是,弃水登陆,直抵彼岸,成了舟山人心中越来越强烈的一个梦想.1999年9月26日,这个梦想终于得以实现.在国家有关部门和浙江省委、省政府的高度重视下,舟山大陆连岛工程这雄浑壮丽诗篇的第一章—岑港大桥正式动工.去年十月,连岛大桥正式通车,舟山与宁波、杭州的车程距离将大大缩短,再加上已经建成的杭州湾大桥,舟山经杭州湾南岸到达上海的车程也将缩短到3小时,将使舟山更紧密地融入长三角经济圈.现在,舟山已全面进入大桥时代,我们的家乡发生了翻天覆地的变化.连岛大桥的正式开通,暗示着舟山的经济得到飞跃性的提高.“海天佛国”普陀山、“鱼都港城”沈家门、“碧海金沙”朱家尖、“摄影基地”桃花岛等美轮美奂的旅游景区也更加散发出它们独特的魅力,吸引了更多的游客到来.我由衷地为自己是个舟山人感到万分自豪与庆幸。连岛大桥的开通不仅联系着一个个岛屿,还汇聚着无数舟山人民的梦想.让我们一起迎接大桥经济时代,展望舟山的美好未来,期待梦想成真的一天。(这是我已前写。介绍家乡一种产品作文450字 我家乡的所有特产,要说完也得一天一夜。下面为大家搜集整理了关于介绍家乡一种产品作文范文,欢迎阅读~介绍家乡一种产品作文【1】我的家乡在四川,那里风景宜人,民风淳朴。谁不说我的家乡好 作文 我的家乡在舟山,这里风景优美,物产丰富。主要的风景区有:桃花岛、朱家尖、普陀山等。我们的特产以海鲜为主,近几年又出现了皋泄蜜柚、杨梅、金塘李子、岱山晒生等土特产。我最喜欢皋泄蜜柚。它的皮呈金黄色,摸上.一篇英语作文:我的家乡茂名,字数:60字左右 My Home Town My home town is a beautiful place.It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.Many people had no work.Th.十年以后家乡的变化英语作文还有现在的急。 Ten years after the home remember at the age of seven,my grandfather took me back to a mountain home,living half a month,go to see a lot of places.Impressed me as\"hometown of poor\".Most people's house is a bungalow,building small;the bicycle is rare,no motor,the road very poor;originally is a rice based,because of lack of water is changed into a kind of drought resistant plants,such as cassava,peanuts,soybeans and so on;the mountain trees are sparse,deforestation is serious;stay at home most of the elderly,children,young people to the field work;people's living level is not high,the medical care conditions is very poor.Ten years after I graduated from University,work four years,already marry and settle down.Hours to see\"home\"and\"poor\"it did over the past twenty years,but I always remember.This year I with a family of three,and then back home to visit relatives and friends,want to have a look the hometown become what.This time,I just can't believe,tea garden and orchard into my home。.
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